Walk through creating scatter plots, filters, pie charts and image overlays



In Walk through a nuclear markers analysis we displayed data for differentiation and stemness markers using histograms. Here we will continue with that example to compare differentiation and stemness data using scatter (bubble) plots. We will then use filters to create nuclei categories based on the intensities of the differentiation markers and then display these, for both control and treated samples, using pie charts. Finally, we’ll display one of our images with the differentiated and undifferentiated cells highlighted.

Display a scatter plot of intensities for differentiation and stemness markers

We can display a 2D scatter (bubble) plot of intensities for the Differentiation and Stemness markers for all nuclei identified nuclei as follows:

To create a new scatter plot, click the 2D scatter (bubble) plot icon in the horizontal toolbar: Histogram icon

Now, as we did when displaying a histogram:

As we are displaying a 2D scatter plot, we need to select data for both the X and Y axes. Here, we wish to plot the mean intensities for the differentiation marker (channel 0) against the stemness marker (channel 1), so:

The mean intensities for differentiation and stemness will be plotted:

2D scatter plot

We can make the bubbles bigger:

2D scatter plot with larger bubbles

Compare nuclei intensities between conditions

As we did with our histograms, we can use our ‘Control’ and ‘Treated’ filters that we created in Walk through a nuclear markers analysis to group nuclei based on the image group they belong to and display these groups on a scatter plot.

Click the 2D scatter (bubble) plot icon in the horizontal toolbar: Histogram icon

Now, create a data set that uses the ‘Control’ filter, following the same steps as before:

Now, configure the scatter plot to use the data, as we did above:

2D scatter plot showing Control and Treated samples

Create nuclei categories based on intensities of the differentiation marker

We will now create two categories of nuclei - differentiated and undifferentiated - based upon the intensities of the nuclei. We will assume that differentiated nuclei have a median intensity of greater than or equal to 100. All other nuclei are undifferentiated.

Let’s create a filter for differentiated nuclei:

Differentiated cells filter

In the MetaModel View, a Differentiated cells node will appear, related to the Nucleus node.

Right-click on the Differentiated cells node and select Show Count. A dialog will appear stating that ‘There are currently 182 differentiated cells’.

Create another filter, named Undifferentiated cells, following the above steps, but with the following changes:

When the Undifferentiated cells node appears in the MetaModel View, right-click on it and select Show Count. A dialog will appear stating that ‘There are currently 1402 differentiated cells’.

The sum of the differentiated cells, 182, and undifferentiated cells, 1402, sums to 1584. We can check our filters are correct, by inspecting the Nucleus node itself.

Right-click on Nucleus (Node) and select Show Count. A dialog will appear stating that ‘There are currently 1584 Nucleus’.

Display intensities of the differentiation marker

Let’s now create pie charts to display the proportions of undifferentiated to differentiated cells for both our control and treated conditions.

Before, when we split, we selected Split in 2, assuming that anything not accepted by our Control filter was treated. Here we will use another approach, explicitly grouping by each filter:

We’ll now group Nucleus according to whether they are differentiated or undifferentiated cells:

A pie chart will appear showing the proportion of differentiated and undifferentiated cells for both control and treated conditions:

Pie chart with proportion of differentiated and undifferentiated cells for both control and treated conditions

Instead of a single pie chart, we might want one to show the proportion of differentiated to undifferentiated cells for the control condition and one for the treated condition. We can do this by copying our dataset then updating each so we have one for the control condition and one for the treated.

First, update the dataset to handle the control condition only:

Now, copy this dataset and update the copy to handle the treated condition only:

Two pie charts, one for the control condition and one for the treated will now appear:

Pie charts with proportion of differentiated and undifferentiated cells for both control and treated conditions

Display an image with differentiation marker intensities

We can display one of our images with an overlay that is coloured according to whether our nuclei are differentiated or undifferentiated, using the Image module and our filters:

A progress bar will appear with the message “Loading image, please wait”.

The image will then appear:

Image view

Drag the mouse to rotate the image.

Roll the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the image.

Use the horizontaol scroll-bar to view different images in the Z-axis.

Now, we’ll add an overlay based on whether the cells are differentiated or undifferentiated, using our filters:

A progress bar will appear with the message “Loading image, please wait”.

The image will then appear:

Image view with differentiated cells in yellow

The differentiated cells are shown in yellow.

We can change the colour of undifferentiated cells, default grey, as follows:

Image palette

A progress bar will appear with the message “Loading image, please wait”, then the updated image will appear:

Image view with differentiated cells in yellow