Create Plugins

In this section you will find documentation on how to create your own plugin for PickCells.

If you are new to creating plugins for PickCells, you should also look at how to set up a plugin development environment.

There are several plugin types that you can create. The flowchart below is designed to help you find the type that you need.

graph LR db_access(I need access to the database ?) db_access -->|yes| db_create{I want to create} db_create-->db_vis(Visualisations) db_create-->db_analyse(Analysis Methods) db_create-->db_image(Image Interactions) db_vis-->mod_docfctry[Document Factory] db_analyse-->db_rsrc(Resource Intensive ?) db_rsrc-->|no|db_launch(With a launcher) db_rsrc-->|yes|mod_analysis[Analysis] db_launch-->|In the Menu|mod_utility[Utility] db_launch-->|In theTask Bar|mod_task[Simple Task] db_image-->mod_mgr[Annotation Manager] db_access-->|no| no_db{I want to provide} no_db-->|generic charts| mod_chart[Chart Factory] no_db-->|new object descriptors| mod_feature[Feature Computer] no_db-->|image processing| mod_todo[Not yet available as a plugin.
Please see Contributing to PickCells] no_db-->|something else| mod_desk[Desktop Module] click mod_desk "" "Link to the tutorial" click mod_docfctry "" "Link to the tutorial" click mod_chart "" "Link to the tutorial" click mod_feature "" "Link to the tutorial" click mod_analysis "" "Link to the tutorial" click mod_utility "" "Link to the tutorial" click mod_task "" "Link to the tutorial" click mod_mgr "" "Link to the tutorial" classDef module fill:#FFD37D, stroke:#0C090A, stroke-width:2px, color:#2B65EC, font-weight: bold; class mod_desk,mod_docfctry,mod_chart,mod_analysis,mod_utility,mod_task,mod_feature,mod_mgr module; classDef type fill:#FFE5B3, stroke:#0C090A, color:#0C090A; class db_vis,db_analyse,db_image type; classDef question fill:#FFFBF3, stroke:#0C090A, color:#0C090A; class db_access,no_db,mod_todo,db_create,db_rsrc,db_launch question;

In the above flowchart, plugin nodes are in dark orange and you can click on the nodes to access the corresponding tutorial.

PickCells supports the following types of plugin: