Set up a PickCells development environment

This page describes how to install third-party tools and packages required to develop PickCells and how to get the PickCells source code.



In the following, when we say “open a bash window”:

Install prerequisites

We assumes you have already downloaded, installed and run PickCells, as described in our documentation on how to Get Started.

Install Java 1.8 JDK

You can use either OpenJDK or Oracle Java

64-bit Java is highly recommended for 64-bit operating systems.

PickCells has not been tested on Java 1.9.

For full installation instructions for Java, consult the relevant third-party documentation.

Install OpenJDK

Ubuntu users

  1. Run:

    sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
    javac -version
  2. You should see something like:

    javac 1.8.0_131
  3. Edit /etc/environment:

    sudo nano /etc/environment
  4. Add the line:

  5. Run:

    source /etc/environment
    echo $JAVA_HOME
  6. You should see something like:


Install Oracle Java

Windows 7 users

Install Oracle Java

  1. Visit Oracle Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads.

  2. Click Accept License Agreement.

  3. Download Windows x64 version e.g. jdk-8u144-windows-x64.exe.

  4. Double-click exe e.g. jdk-8u144-windows-x64.exe.

  5. Follow installer instructions.

  6. Open a command prompt.

  7. Run:

    "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\bin\javac" -version
  8. You should see something like:

    javac 1.8.0_144

Update environment variables:

  1. Select Start => Control Panel.

  2. Enter environment in search field.

  3. Select Edit the system environment variables.

  4. Click Advanced tab

  5. Click Environment Variables…

  6. Under User variables, click New…

  7. Enter Variable name: JAVA_HOME

  8. Enter Variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\

  9. Click OK

  10. Select PATH

  11. Click Edit…

  12. Add to the end of the value:

    ;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\bin
  13. Click OK

  14. Click OK

  15. Click OK

  16. Open a command prompt.

  17. Run:

    javac -version
  18. You should see something like:

    javac 1.8.0_144

Install Maven 3.3+

PickCells source code is built and tested using the Apache Maven software project managment tool.

To install Maven may require that you have administrator access to install and configure software. If you do not have administrator access, a local system administrator may be able to give you this, or install Maven for you.

Ubuntu users

  1. Run:

    sudo apt-get install maven
    mvn -v
  2. You should see something like:

    Apache Maven 3.3.9
    Maven home: /usr/share/maven
    Java version: 1.8.0_131, vendor: Oracle Corporation
    Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
    Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
    OS name: "linux", version: "4.8.0-36-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

The value of Java version and Java home should match the location and version of Java you installed earlier.

Windows 7 users

  1. Visit Downloading Apache Maven.
  2. Download binary zip archive e.g.
  3. Right-click zip archive e.g.
  4. Select Extract All…
  5. Move apache-maven-3.5.0-bin\apache-maven-3.5.0 to C:\Program Files.

Update environment variables:

  1. Select Start => Control Panel.

  2. Enter environment in search field.

  3. Select Edit the system environment variables.

  4. Click Advanced tab

  5. Click Environment Variables…

  6. Under System variables, click New…

  7. Select Path

  8. Click Edit…

  9. Add to the end of the value:

    ;C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.5.0\bin
  10. Click OK

  11. Click OK

  12. Click OK

  13. Open a command prompt.

  14. Run:

    mvn -v
  15. You should see something like:

    Apache Maven 3.5.0 (ff8f5e7444045639af65f6095c62210b5713f426; 2017-04-03T20:39:06+01:00)
    Maven home: C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.5.0\bin\..
    Java version: 1.8.0_144, vendor: Oracle Corporation
    Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\jre
    Default locale: en_GB, platform encoding: Cp1252
    OS name: "windows 7", version: "6.1", arch: "amd64", family: "windows"

The value of Java version and Java home should match the location and version of Java you installed earlier.

Install GraphViz

GraphViz can be used to create images of Maven dependency trees.

To install GraphViz may require that you have administrator access to install and configure software. If you do not have administrator access, a local system administrator may be able to give you this, or install GraphViz for you.

Any recent version of GraphViz should be OK.

Ubuntu users

  1. Run:

    sudo apt-get install graphviz
    dot -V
  2. You should see something like:

    dot - graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)

Windows 7 users

  1. Visit GraphViz Download.
  2. Download a stable Windows MSI file e.g. graphviz-2.38.msi.
  3. Double-click MSI file e.g. graphviz-2.38.msi.
  4. Accept installer defaults.
  5. Select Start.
  6. Enter gvedit.exe.
  7. GVEdit should appear

Update environment variables:

  1. Select Start => Control Panel.

  2. Enter environment in search field.

  3. Select Edit the system environment variables.

  4. Click Advanced tab

  5. Click Environment Variables…

  6. Under System variables, click New…

  7. Select Path

  8. Click Edit…

  9. Add to the end of the value:

    ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin
  10. Click OK

  11. Click OK

  12. Click OK

  13. Open a command prompt.

  14. Run:

    dot -v
  15. You should see something like:

    dot - graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)

Install Git

Git is a source code version control tool.

To install Git requires that you have administrator access to install and configure software. If you do not have administrator access, a local system administrator may be able to give you this, or install Git for you.

Any recent version of Git should be OK.

Ubuntu users

  1. Run:

    sudo apt-get install git
    git --version
  2. You should see something like:

    git version 2.7.4

Windows 7 users

Git for Windows is recommended. It provides both Git and a bash shell.

  1. Visit Git for Windows.

  2. Click the Download button.

  3. Double-click installer .exe e.g. Git-

  4. Git Bash and Git GUI will both be installed.

  5. Open the Git Bash command prompt.

  6. Run:

    git --version
  7. You should see something like:

    git version
  8. Set your user name and email:

    git config --global "<YOUR-NAME>"
    git config --global "<YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS>"

Create and register an SSH key with Framagit

  1. Open a bash window.

  2. Run:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa
  3. When prompted, enter a pass-phrase.

  4. A public key ( and private key (id_rsa) will be created in .ssh, which you can check by running:

    ls ~/.ssh/
  5. Log in to Framagit.

  6. Select user profile (avatar icon on top right) => Settings.

  7. Click SSH Keys (key icon).

  8. Paste in the contents of the file into Key.

  9. Title should fill itself in automatically.

  10. Click Add key.

Get PickCells repositories

For more information of what each of the PickCells components does, see their individual files which can be found at the top of each component repository, e.g. for the foundationj component.

For a public, open source project such as PickCells, it is useful if developers are able to work on their own personal copies of the original, public server-side repository, without the danger of deleting anything by mistake in the latter.

Only the PickCells maintainers are able to make change to the code in the PickCells source code repositories. Other developers work on their own forked versions of these repositories. For more information on this concept, the “forking workflow” please see Managing multiple developers and version control in our page on Collaborative Development.

Here we describe how to get access to PickCells source code using the “forking workflow”.

Fork a PickCells repository

  1. Log in to Framagit.

  2. Visit the pickcellslab project.

  3. Go to the repository you want to work upon e.g. pickcells-assembly.

  4. Click the “Fork” button.

  5. Framagit will ask you to select a namespace in which to fork the repository. Click the one corresponding to your user name.

  6. Framagit should fork the repository into your own personal space. Once complete you should see a message:

    The project was successfully forked.
  7. Your fork will be at the URL<YOUR-USER-NAME>/<REPOSITORY-NAME> e.g.

Clone a PickCells repository

Now you can clone your PickCells repository onto your local computer.

  1. Open a bash window.

  2. Run:


    For example:

    git clone
  3. When prompted, enter your passphrase that you provided when creating your SSH key.

  4. Change into the folder with the clone;


    For example:

    cd pickcells-assembly
  5. Create an ‘upstream remote’ to be able to track, and access, developments of the official PickCells repository you forked:

    git remote add upstream<REPOSITORY-NAME>

    For example:

    git remote add upstream
  6. Check the currently configured remote repositories for your fork. You should see something like, for example:

    git remote -v
    origin           <YOUR-USER-NAME>/pickcells-assembly.git (fetch)
    origin           <YOUR-USER-NAME>/pickcells-assembly.git (push)
    upstream          (fetch)
    upstream          (push)
  7. Check if the repository uses git submodules by checking if it has a .gitmodules file. If so then initialise the submodule:

    ls .gitmodules

    If you get


    then initialise the submodule:

    git submodule init
    git submodule update

    Currently this is only required by the docs repository.

Build PickCells release

To build a PickCells release:

  1. Fork and clone all the PickCells repositories, if you have not already done so.

  2. Run:

    cd pickcells-assembly
    mvn install

If any problems arise, see Troubleshooting.

Build PickCells release from the repositories

To build a PickCells release from the repositories:

  1. Fork and clone all the PickCells repositories.

  2. In each of the following repositories:



    mvn install
  3. In pickcells-assembly/, run:

    mvn package
  4. A PickCells release will be available in, for example, pickcells-assembly/target/

If any problems arise, see Troubleshooting.